David Sarver's banner

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Classes taken from NNU and CWI


Classes taken from NNU

MA 130College AlgebraA3
MA 140TriginometryB3
PH 111LPhysics LabB1
EC 241Micro Economic AnalysisB3
EN 242World Lit Ancient-RenassanceB3
EN 231British Lit Beowulf-ReasonC3

Classes taken from CWI

ENGL 292Creative Writing FictionC3
HIST 111US HistoryB3
INTC 110PC Hardware and SoftwareA4
INTC 114Network FundamentalsB4
INTC 118Client Operating SystemsB4
INTC 121Server Operating SystemsA4
INTC 125Network RoutingB4
INTC 129Fundamentals of LinuxA4
INTC 278Principals of Web ScriptingB4
INTC 280Web Graphics and MultimediaB4
INTC 282Web AuthoringC4
INTC 285Fundamentals of Database SystemsC4
INTC 287Dynamic Web Site Creation and DesignC4
INTC 289Web HostingA4
PHYS 111General Physics IC4
SPAN 102Elementary Spanish 2C4
CHEM 101Intro to ChemistryWIP4
MATH 170Calculus 1WIP5
ARTS 111Drawing 1WIP2